
Everlasting evidence: Emails are forever - Image Analyzer

Written by Wendy Shore | Aug 5, 2019 1:25:13 PM

Emails are forever.

No, that isn’t the title of the latest James Bond thriller but a message that many attorneys and corporate security experts have been trying to tell business leaders for years. While some have listened, many still haven’t heeded the warnings.

“Emails are the everlasting evidence,” said Mindy Chapman, an
attorney and president of New York consulting group Mindy Chapman and
Associates. “Just because you hit delete doesn’t mean that email is gone for
good. There are backup files and servers that emails will stay on forever.”

Electronic evidence discovery has become an integral part of the
process of preparing legal cases — for plaintiffs and for defendants. Emails
and other information placed on the Internet, intranets and local servers
aren’t easily destroyed or shredded like hard-copy records. Electronic files
are typically stored on backup servers and, even if deleted from a server or
computer hard drive, leave residual traces that computer forensic specialists
can recover.

As scary as that might sound, emails and electronic communications
have become essential to working and conducting business, and most
organizations do have email, electronic device and Internet usage policies in
place. The problem is many people don’t follow these policies, and this can
create huge headaches for businesses and their human resource departments because
protecting the integrity of an organisation and avoiding legal entanglements
becomes virtually impossible.

Image Analyser helps to minimise the risk associated with
inappropriate image and video content being circulated on corporate networks.
By eliminating content of this nature from corporate email it minimises the
risk of this material being discovered in any forensic investigation of email
and file archives as part of any investigation.

By Bill Leonard, Home Channel NewsPOSTED: September 11, 2012


Image Analyzer is a world leader in the provision of automated content moderation and user generated content moderation for image, video and streaming media. Our AI content moderation delivers unparalleled levels of accuracy, producing near-zero false positive results in milliseconds.
If you have any questions about our Image moderation software or content moderation software, please get in contact today.