
Online porn a growth industry - Image Analyzer

Written by Wendy Shore | Aug 8, 2019 9:15:04 AM

Although accurate figures are hard to verify, the overall impression from the estimates of the monetary value of online pornography clearly reveal it to be a lucrative business:

• 40 million – this is the number of  regular users of online pornography in the USA
• $2.84 billion – this is the monetary value of the online pornography industry, double it for worldwide
• 25% – the amount of all search engine requests that are pornographic
• 42% – the amount of internet users who view pornography
• 20% – the number of websites are pornographic

Perhaps it was ever thus. The first public screening of a movie was in 1895. Less than two years later, the first “adult” film was released.  In fact, every new technology from the printing press to instant cameras, from pay-per-view to VCRs, from SMS-texting to full video streaming smartphones pornographers have been among the quickest to jump on board to provide ‘adult content’ for each new generation of gadgets.
At Image Analyser, our view is that the growth of online porn is driven by the age-old desire to ‘follow the money’ as there is (1) a large appetite among online consumers for this content and (2) money to be made.
Where there is a risk of inadvertent exposure to offensive image and video content, Image Analyser recommends the use of web security technology that incorporates sophisticated image and video detection software such as Image Analyzer to prohibit access to a category of online content that is forecast to continue to grow and become increasingly pervasive across the Internet.

An Opinion Piece produced by Image Analyser:


News and information sources:

The Guardian




Image Analyzer is a world leader in the provision of automated content moderation and user generated content moderation for image, video and streaming media. Our AI content moderation delivers unparalleled levels of accuracy, producing near-zero false positive results in milliseconds.
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