By Wendy Shore on August 08, 2019

Bad publicity, embarrassment and employee sanctions could and should have been avoided.

There was yet another case in the news today, this time from
Vancouver, which demonstrated how deployment of simple, readily available and
affordable ‘image scanning’ technology can and should be protecting
institutions and employees from viewing inappropriate images at work.

By implementing any of the leading IT security solutions
which now feature Image Analyzer organisations can effectively implement their
existing Acceptable Use Policy and indicate what appropriate behaviour is. This
ensures employees are protected from the consequences of their own behaviour
and organisations are not the subject of adverse publicity. The full article
can be read below:


Image Analyzer is a world leader in the provision of automated content moderation and user generated content moderation for image, video and streaming media. Our AI content moderation delivers unparalleled levels of accuracy, producing near-zero false positive results in milliseconds.
If you have any questions about our Image moderation software or content moderation software, please get in contact today.

Published by Wendy Shore August 8, 2019